Creating content can be a time-consuming process and sometimes, you just don’t have the time to get it done. Repurposing content can save valuable time and help reach larger audiences. In fact, 60% of marketers reuse content at least two to five times. There are tons of ways to make high-quality content and repurpose it to benefit your brand. If you’ve been creating content for a while, you should have a ton of useful information to reformat for other platforms. Let’s talk about the benefits of repurposing content, which content you should repurpose, and ways you can make it happen!
The Benefits of Repurposing Content
Save Time and Labor: As we stated earlier, creating good content can take a lot of time and energy. Of course, you have to occasionally take the time to research and discover new content, but if you already have some you can repurpose, why do it now? Repurposing content will allow you to stay on track during weeks you may be a little busier.
Reach All Your Followers in the Media They Prefer: When you have a large following count, your consumers tend to have different personalities. Not everyone enjoys reading, some may prefer videos, images, or even podcasts. Repurposing content will allow you to make sure you hit every member of your audience in several different ways. When you adjust your content for different publishing mediums, it gives you a chance to hit a broader audience.
Boost Your SEO: We all love an easy SEO boost! Content in different formats on the same topic is the perfect easy boost for your SEO. It provides additional opportunities to those target keyword phrases. SEO isn’t just important on your site, it’s important on all of your platforms and can create backlinks to your site to boost SEO.
Which Content Should You Repurpose?
Not every piece of content you ever created should be repurposed. Sometimes they just aren’t right for a repurposing aspect, and you don’t want to waste your time. 3 types of content should be your main target for repurposing.

Evergreen Content: Evergreen content is that content that is always important and never really goes out of style. This content isn’t related to what’s happening now and trending industry news. This content is the basics of your industry that have been here forever and will continue to be fundamentals. These are topics that will continually be searched and if you use them right, they can benefit you for many years.

Popular Content: Popular content should be repurposed because clearly, your audience finds it valuable and relevant. You want to target the content that receives the most traffic and shares. If the topic is popular, there’s no doubt it will do well in other mediums. This may take a little bit of research to analyze, but in the long run, it will help your content strategy.

Content That Needs Updating: Using old content that has all the right fundamentals, but may need a little updating is a perfect opportunity for repurposed content. Generally, fundamentals don’t change much over time, but the specific details and tips can be adjusted as time goes on. Maybe you learned something new since you last posted about a topic. If that’s the case, go back to that piece of content and update it, and put it out there again.
5 Ways to Repurpose Content
You've heard all about why you should be repurposing content and what kind of content to use, but you still don’t know how to. We are going to tell you 5 examples of how you can take that old content and repurpose it for different mediums and platforms.
Turn Blog Posts Into Graphics: Blog posts have a ton of information in them which is great for your followers who like to read, but sometimes it’s just too much. The good news? You can take that main blog information and turn it into a quick graphic. Your graphic shouldn’t have too much information on it, but should still cover the main ideas of your blog post. The best part about this method is you can even mention your blog post in the caption in case your audience wants more detailed information on the topic.
Select Popular Blog Posts for Podcast Topics: If you have a blog post that is doing well, what’s stopping you from making it into another form of content? Writers do it all the time, they produce a book and then turn it into an audiobook for their audience who would rather listen to their story rather than read it. This can work the same for your blog posts! If you’ve got great information, turn it into a podcast for your audience who would rather listen than read.
Make Articles into Infographics: Infographics can be very useful for visual consumers and the fact is, you probably already have some infographics you used for an article or two. A lot of people include infographics in their articles to help their readers understand their information easier. So, what’s stopping you from just posting that infographic by itself with a short comment? A lot of times your audience doesn’t even want to click on an article because they know there is a ton of reading involved. This is a great way to get your message out on a single image.
Use Your Blog Topics for Video Content: Video content is a trending topic right now, and there’s a lot you can do with it. The good news about video content is you can fit a lot of information into a video unlike on a single graphic. When you have blog topics that are just a little too much information for a graphic, a video is a perfect route for you. This way you can get across the detailed information you want while also entertaining those followers who would rather watch a video instead.
Turn Blogs into Email Marketing Content: PEOPLE LOVE BULLET POINTS. Even avid readers sometimes prefer number lists and bullet points over long and wordy paragraphs. Sometimes your blog posts can get too long for readers because you just have so much great information to share. The good news? You can take the key information and bullet list them. This is GREAT content for email marketing content. Throw some small graphics and a few bullet points in and you will have your email list engaged in no time. You can always leave the link to your blog in case they want more information.
These are only a few ways you can repurpose content. There are so many options to help you save your valuable time while also pushing out the content you need. This is an effective strategy used by many brands. If you are having problems coming up with content, reach out to 30|90 Marketing to see what we can do for you and your content strategy! The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed by coming up with content, try repurposing something, it might just be the strategy you need.