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Content Trends to Try in 2022

Every year content marketing tends to adapt to the world and current users’ interests. Though some are subtle, there are many that require big changes to your content plan. Content trends definitely depend on what’s right for your business. Different trends work better with different business goals or industries, but it’s still important to keep an eye on current trends to see what might be the best fit for your business. Here are some current trends that may benefit you:

Video Marketing

You've heard it before and you’ll hear it again: Video marketing is one of the biggest trends this year! Since the launch of Tiktok, video marketing has BOOMED. It has made such a huge impact on content marketing that social media apps have expanded their efforts to allow their platforms to support video marketing. Between Instagram reels, TikToks and stories, there is so much to offer in the video marketing world. If you’re wondering why video marketing is such a big deal, it’s because it creates a deeper and more real connection with your audience. There are many forms of video content, but the most popular one right now is short-form video content. Brands are recognizing the low attention span users have now and are implementing short-form video content to catch their attention quickly!

Examples of video marketing to try:

  • Educational Videos

  • Tutorial Videos

  • Video Emails

  • Testimonials

  • Product Videos

Interactive Content

Engagement is a huge priority to a lot of consumers. Engagement allows users to feel more involved with the business instead of feeling as if they are just reading through a page. Interactive content is becoming big and its growing fast! In fact, 88% of marketers said that interactive content is effective in differentiating their brand from their competitors. For examples, polls and quizzes have been a huge success on social media platforms, but these don’t have to be just a part of your social media campaign. You can incorporate interactive content on your websites, blogs, webinars and even emails.

Examples of interactive content to try:

  • Surveys/Polls

  • Interactive Quizzes

  • Interactive Ads

  • Interactive Webinars

Hybrid of Virtual and Live Events

Since the pandemic, users have grown accustomed to living in a mostly virtual world. The pandemic brought a whole new perspective to “virtual everything” and many brands figured out how much they could actually do online. Just because the pandemic (quarantine) has decreased greatly, doesn’t mean users have forgotten how it feels to have everything accessible online. Virtual events have increased in popularity by 35% since 2020. Although in-person events such as workshops and conferences have made their way back into the world for 2022, customers are still looking for a good balance between virtual and live events. Live streaming and webinars will continue to rise in 2022!

Examples of Virtual Events to try:

  • Virtual Conferences & Summits

  • Virtual Tours

  • Virtual Trade Shows & Exhibitions

Shoppable Links

The launch of shoppable links have been a huge success for brands everywhere. If you are selling products, this is definitely a trend to look into! Platforms such as Instagram and Facebook make it easy for you to set up shop and sell your products. Users love the feature of a shoppable link because they don’t have to leave the area where they first saw the information. Every time a consumer has to go somewhere new to finish purchasing a product or service, there is a higher chance they will abandon what they are doing. Shoppable links appease your audience’s attention spans and allows them to make quick buying decisions that they won’t think about too long. Remember, the longer they think, the higher the chance is they will back out!


Podcasts have always been a big hit, but they have especially grown since 2020. When the pandemic hit, consumers were looking for new activities to take up and listening to podcasts was one of them. U.S. consumers listened to nearly 15 billion hours of podcasts in 2021 which is up 25% from 2020. The desire to read books and articles have minimized since the rise of podcasts. People are busy and on the go all the time, and podcasts allow consumers to hear the information they want to know while doing other activities. Audio is rising in content marketing and could play a huge factor in the success of your business.

Is your content marketing strategy ready for 2022? If not, it’s not too late to implement some of these content marketing trends and potentially grow the success of your business and online engagement. Content marketing takes a lot of time and dedication, and we understand that! For more help on your content marketing reach out to 30|90 Marketing today!


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